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Home Page: WHITEPARISH COMMUNITY WEBSITEOTHER SELECTED NEWS ITEMSWILTSHIRE PARKING CHARGES. Wiltshire Council are currently running an online consultation about parking charges in the county. According to the Salisbury Journal ( 5th October) the council wants to increase parking charges by an average of 1.
- Life and happenings in Whiteparish, a rural village in south-east Wiltshire.
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So you may want to contribute to their consultation on the proposal by clicking here. The consultation period ends on 2. November. DO YOU FEEL SAFE ONLINE? Anyone over 6. 0, or over 1.
This is a collection of children's songs and rhymes about zoo animals, lions, monkeys and penguins for preschool and Kindergarten teachers, childcare providers and.
Wiltshire Bobby Van Stay Safe Online team of police- trained and vetted volunteers. For more details of what they can provide, and how you can book an appointment, click here. THIS YEAR’S WINTER BALL. Skins Us Season 2 Online. Sarah Skeates of this year’s Winter Ball committee writes: “Dear Memorial Centre Users,Following last year’s very successful Winter Ball, raising nearly £2. The Whiteparish Memorial Trust is organising the second Winter Ball, at the Memorial Centre, on Saturday 2 December 2. The objective of the event is to raise funds to make improvements to the kitchen at the Memorial Centre. If you are a Memorial Centre user or a club, group or organisation that uses the kitchen we hope you would like to support this event in some way.
Following last year’s very popular raffle prizes of Christmas hampers we are repeating this again. We are asking for items to fill them. We wondered if you could donate items, either individually or as a group which would help us in this endeavour. We would like biscuits, chocolates, crisps and crackers, wine, or anything suitable for a lovely Christmas hamper . . .”For the whole of the Winter Ball committee’s letter, including details of how to donate hamper items, click here. TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF CHURCHFIELDS RECYCLING DEPOT.
Watch the latest Featured Videos on Watch A Field In England Online Hulu. View more videos on CBS News, featuring the latest in-depth coverage from our news team.
Wiltshire Council have announced that the Churchfields recycling depot (at the end of Stephenson Rd) in Salisbury will be closed for a ‘revamp’ between the 9th and 1. November, inclusive. This is part of a rolling programme of work affecting many (possibly all?) of the recycling depots in the county. For more information, including which alternative recycling depots will be available while the Salisbury depot is being refurbished, click here. PARTIAL CLOSURE OF MOOR LANE, STARTING 4 OCT 2.
Wiltshire Council's Sustainable Transport Group have announced that about 1. Moor Lane, from the junction with Grove Lane/Timberley Lane to near Titchborne Farmhouse, will be closed to all traffic for between two and five days, starting on 4th October 2.
For more details, click here to see Wilts Council's notification in full; and click here for a plan highlighting the affected section of road. WHO ARE YOU TODAY?(From local charity "Carer Support Wiltshire".)Mother, husband, grandmother, brother? Teacher, office manager, student, electrician? If. you are looking after someone who couldn’t always manage without your help: someone.
Juggling a caring role around work, studying, seeing friends or spending time with other. And sometimes it can feel lonely. Carer Support Wiltshire are a local charity supporting unpaid carers in Wiltshire. Our Carer Cafes and Support Groups are held throughout the county and offer information. Visit our website to find one. What’s On" guide.
Note: Whiteparish Surgery hosts a Carers’ Coffee Morning every other month, on a Saturday morning. For dates and times, check the Forthcoming Events lists in the website or Steeple & Street. At the time of writing, the next one will be in October 2.
WILTSHIRE POLICE: "Operation Engage". Officers in the South of the county have been taking part in an operation targeting rural crime and poaching. As part of Operation Engage, two rural operations were run, in August and early September. Over 1. 30 vehicles were stopped as part of the operations for various issues including vehicle defects. Operation Engage aims to tackle rural crime in the county and saw officers involved from the local Community Policing Teams, Tri- Force, the volunteer Special Constabulary, Intel and further support from neighbouring forces Dorset and Hampshire police. Click here for more on this story . . .
BEWARE THIS KIND OF "MALWARE". Today we received an email with the subject line "Your Virgin Media Bill is ready", apparently sent from a Virgin email address: webteam@virginmediaconnections. Except that we're not Virgin customers, Virgin hadn't sent it, and the message wasn't a bill, just a "phishing" expedition designed to get internet users to click on a link in the message. Clicking would have resulted (eventually) in downloading a trojan virus (in this case the Dridex banking trojan) that would have allowed the originators to access banking details from our computer. Internet users with Virgin accounts will be more susceptible to this particular scam than other users, but the criminals who designed it are likely to target customers of other internet providers, too, using the same style of "bait". So the usual general advice applies: if you receive an email that you weren't expecting from an organisation you haven't dealt with before, and it contains links (or has an attachment), never click on the links or download the attachment unless you are absolutely certain that it's OK. Just delete it. Same goes for an email that seems to be from an organisation you have dealt with before.
If there's anything remotely suspicious about it–for example unlikely amounts, awkward language, unfamiliar format, etc–delete it. Don't click on any links or buttons unless you're absolutely sure it's genuine–just delete. And never click on anything in an email from a suspicious or unknown source "just to see what happens!". WILTSHIRE MOBILE LIBRARY SERVICE. Wiltshire Council's Libraries and Heritage, Communities and Communications Dept.
Parish Councils and communities on the proposed mobile library schedules for our area. They want to "engage with as many people as possible who may wish to comment on the review". The consultation documents are available to view online from the Wiltshire Libraries webpage at http: //services. Mobile. Library/, and happily Whiteparish is unaffected by the changes: it seems that the mobile library will make the same stops here, at the same times, as before. The nearest route change to us is a proposal to drop the stop at Alderbury School, Firs Road.). The consultation period is from 4th September to 4th November 2. February 2. 01. 8.
RIGHTS OF WAY. There is a need to take on the maintenance of our Rights of Way as Wiltshire Council do not have the resources to do so.