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Why I hate Apple, the infuriating cult making people smug bores. By. Simon Mills for Mail. Online. Updated. 1. BST, 2. 8 May 2. 01. The new i. Pad goes on sale in Britain today a cue for thousands of Apples salivating acolytes to queue up outside each of the countrys 2. I will not be one of them. Its not that I dislike Apples products per se. How could I How could anyone possibly be immune to the seductive charms of the nifty i. Phone or resist the elegant, size zero beauty of the Mac. Book Air laptop Apple stuff is undoubtedly slick, curvy and tactile. Its programs perform user friendly and irrefutably useful functions. The Travels Of Marco Polo, Volume I eBook from Project Gutenberg. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Why I hate Apple, the infuriating cult making people smug bores. By Simon Mills for MailOnline Updated 0707 EDT. The LaVar Ball circus continued yesterday, this time with some notsothinlyveiled misogyny taking a spot in the center ring. Ball received a technical foul from a. Watch Acolytes Online Mic' title='Watch Acolytes Online Mic' />Compos du pianiste Philipp Schlotter, de la contrebassiste Lisa Hoppe et du batteur Fred Brki, ce piano trio survitamin dynamite traditions et clichs. No, what turns me off is the cult like approach that Apple has to marketing and advertising. Technological Apartheid The touchscreen tablet computer is used as a web browser, e. Reader and games console. If you arent plugged in. Im offended by the self important manner in which Apple has created a technological apartheid, mainly just by charging a lot more, but also by distancing itself from ordinary PCs thats personal computers to the uninitiated. PCs, Apple wants you to know, are for lowly, poor and unimaginative people with boring jobs. Apples, on the other hand, are for clever, freewheeling, creative types who like modern music and wear cargo shorts to work. The whole thing makes me feel rather sick. I dont want any part of a company that encourages the fetishising of its products and makes my kids feel inadequate because they dont own them. I dont like the way that Apple appears to have a creepy, quasi religious hold on its consumers one which fills them with a nagging sense of dissatisfaction if they dont have the very latest, upgraded version of the must have gadget. Candy The enormously successful i. Phone has becaome a must have gadget that makes everyone else with normal mobile phones feel inadequate. Of course it doesnt matter what I think. Watch Lone Survivor Mediafire'>Watch Lone Survivor Mediafire. Yesterday, Apple overtook Microsoft as the worlds biggest technology company. Those who are obsessed with the Apple brand will blindly champion the i. Pad because, theyll insist, it keeps them connected with the world. But the sad truth is that being constantly connected seems to go hand in hand with sustained isolation. Just this week, the Mail reported on the Eleanor Rigby generation of 1. Apple dresses up loneliness and anti social attitudes in, literally, nice looking boxes. With constant connectivity to the internet not that reliable if you read some of the i. Pads early reviews it perpetuates a concept of work and play melding into one seamless, uninterrupted, elongated day where email, news, pictures, film clips and music are presented as a constantly whirring attraction on your lap, requiring your undivided attention. The implication is that if you arent plugged in, you simply dont exist. If it doesnt happen on your Apple i. Pad, it probably hasnt happened at all. Technology was never meant to be like this. It was supposed to enhance our lives, not control them. No one seems too keen to point out the obvious Orwellian similarities here, mainly because Apple products, crafted by British born industrial design genius Jonathan Ive, look so lovely. But Apple doesnt just want to assist you in running your life, it wants to define your life. The flagrant abuse of the word experience by Apple employees is one example of this. Where it all began The i. Pod promised to bring music to the masses, and it did. But, in the process, it killed off the album and, more importantly, the record shop and has left a generation of music listeners caught on shuffle. Somewhere along the way, presumably in a cynical attempt to brainwash their millions of worshippers to become more emotionally attached to their little gizmos, the people at Apple ditched the word function and swapped it for experience. So, at the American i. Pad earlier this year, Apple boss Steve Jobs told the audience how the i. Pad would provide them with a good email experience and a nice keyboard experience. Holding it in your hand is an incredible experience, he added. How directly you engage with it. A good email experienceMagical how on Earth can the electronic conveyance of paragraphs, or the tapping of fingers on buttons be seriously described as in such elevated terms Swimming with dolphins. Running a marathon. Those are magical experiences the sort of things that fire you up and create a memorably emotional response. Pressing send on your email is just a rather dreary, but very necessary, part of modern life. Not an experience. Youd think us clever Brits would be wholly dismissive and immune to such nonsense, wouldnt youBut no. Poll. Does the new i. Pad live up to the hypeYes. No. 53. 28 votes. Whole swathes of the population have become members of the Apple cult these days, and even apparently intelligent and educated people are immersing themselves in Steve Jobss techno twaddle. I tuned into a Radio 5 Live show the other day to hear one i. Pad early adopter claiming deliriously that his freshly imported Apple purchase had changed his life. Really What kind of life is that Then theres the sad case of Stephen Fry. A long time worshipper at the altar of Apple, he has posted several blogs about his love affair with the i. Pad. He has gushed and eulogised over it. The highbrow television quiz chairman described his first i. Pad encounter thus When I switch it on, a little sigh escapes me as the screen lights up. Ten minutes later, I am rolling on the floor, snarling and biting, trying to wrestle it from the hands of an Apple press representative. I had been prepared for a smooth feel, for a bright screen and the immersive experience everyone had promised. He goes on I was not prepared, though, for how instant the relationship I formed with the device would be. The only way you will take it from me is to prise it from my cold, dead hands. And it gets worse. On You. Tube there is a short film, presumably uploaded by Stephen himself, of the presenter wait for it unwrapping his own i. Pad later. You can hear his audibly luvvie exhalation as he sees the packaging for the first time, you watch as his quivering hands reverentially open the boxes to reveal the component parts. For the purposes of research and certainly not entertainment, I viewed the clip until the end, waiting for some sort of technological denouement that never came. It was one long expression of post purchase euphoria. Thats the thing with Apple. It infantalises its adult customers, turning otherwise intelligent people into crashing bores. If you dont believe me, go into an Apple store. You will hear very little conversation and absolutely no laughter at all. Instead, youll see lines of cult followers passively standing in front of screens, their faces riddled with the anxiety and discomfort of someone terrified they are behind the technological times. And its not only the customers who are suffering a sense of humour failure. A couple of months back, the U. S. TV star Ellen De. Generes had the temerity to show a spoof ad for the i. Watch Running On Empty Dreams Putlocker#. Pod touch on her chat show. It was funny Ellen fumbling around with the keypad, clumsily punching the wrong buttons and so on. Only Apple didnt get the joke and get this TV audience. Not the cool, laissez faire attitude of a hip and happening outfit, is it But thats because Apple, in reality, isnt at all cool. In fact, it is uptight and controlling. To me, it seems wholly ironic that a company whose name has all sorts of nutritious, fruity connotations and is so creative in its own domain, seems intent on killing off the creativity of others. With the irrefutably brilliant i. Pod and the coldly convenient i. Tunes, for instance, Apple was instrumental in helping to decimate the music industry and destroy the album. It devalued the thrill of music by making it far too instant and accessible, and in doing so created a fickle customer permanently stuck on shuffle mode. Le Bout du Monde Bar Scne. Prix 2. 0. aux portes ou au Bout du Monde. Abonnement Festival 3 jours 5. Attention ds 1. Bout du Monde rserv aux dtenteurs dun billet pour le Festival Le Fil dAriane Musique balkaniqueLe fil dariane, 6 musiciens, un dluge de cordes, et une machine danser sans concessions. Une musique balkanique moderne puisant sa force aux racines. La complicit des musiciens sur scne communique au public une nergie potique et audacieuse. Envoles virtuoses tziganes, musique de transe italienne et chants vagabonds, depuis fin 2. France et ltranger, le groupe matrise son sujet et insuffle aux instruments acoustiques une nergie lectrique. Ici, pas dtiquettes ou de format standards, le style gypsnroll se veut reprsentatif de cette libert de genre et de lnergie dgage sur scne. GYPSY GALAXY Jazz manoucheN en 2. GYPSYGALAXY est un projet frais et novateur mlant esthtique du jazz manoucheavec un jazz moderne et dcomplex, qui puise autant dans la musique de Django que dans le be bop, le funk, le hip hop ou le jazz daujourdhui. Fruit de la rencontre entre la fine fleur de la je une gnration du jazz manouche de Paris, Lyon et Lausanne, le groupe prsente une musique ludique, parfois dense, parfois lgre, aussi diverse et rayonnante que les jeunes musiciens qui le composent. GYPSYGALAXYFanfare Revuelta Chilean FolkloreCumbia Wayno JazzLa Fanfare Revuelta est un groupe cr en 2. Genve qui mlange la musique du folklore du Nord du Chili avec des styles comme la cumbia, le jazz, le reggae. Cest ce creuset de cultures populaires qui insuffle lesprit festif de la Fanfare Revuelta, qui cre ainsi une fusion indite, une nouvelle alchimie entre rythmes traditionnels et musiques actuelles. Le folklore volue ainsi en une musique qui reste actuelle et accessible tous. Fin de soire DJ jusqu 4h du matin avec un set de musique de monde pour nous faire danser jusqu la fin de la nuit.