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Tell the truth and run –1. Century Czechoslovakian proverb. CANANDAIGUA, NY: :: A tale of life and labor follows. It's a story about work, and the people who do it. Is work always just a means to an end, or is it something more? Times are tough lately, especially if you don't have a job and can't find anyone willing to hire you. For some folks, that means more time to hang out on sites like this one.
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- Independent news website with an emphasis on aggressive investigative reporting. Founded by Joseph and Elizabeth Farah.
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- Tell the truth and run – 16th Century Czechoslovakian proverb. CANANDAIGUA, NY::: A tale of life and labor follows. It's a story about work, and the people who do it.
Homeless people handed "trolley full" of free BEER as city centre during Bud Light publicity stunt sparks outrage. Homeless men showed off the beer they were given as.
Our exercise in free speech continually surprises me, and most of the time gratifies me immensely. Our online community at the forum part of this site keeps growing and is read on a daily basis by quite a few people. Thanks for joining us here, thanks for your support, and be sure to check back once in a while. Will you be glad you did? A lot depends on your attitude, I guess................... Up Next at The Ordinary Citizen: Our family’s battle against drugs.. The King of Despair comes to Canandaigua, and lives in our house.
On July 20, 2012, a mass shooting occurred inside a Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight Rises. Watch Ordinary People online. Get Unlimited Access to Hulu’s Library; Choose Limited or No Commercials.
We'll tell you what we found, what we learned, and how we came out on the other side. If you do nothing, the King of Despair will always win. Freak Show. Did we ever have a Freak Show at the Ontario County Fair? I may not be able to find enough info for a story, but if I do, you’ll see it here, not in the Messenger or the D& C. Not mainstream enough, I guess. You’re curious though, aren’t you? C’mon.. admit it.
Blue Collar Tourism. We hear a lot about how important the Tourism Industry is to Ontario County.
What about people who work in the tourism biz, or maybe volunteer in it? The Ordinary Citizen would like to talk to some of our tourism workers..
Do you need a union? Jeff Marinelli : :: “There’s no such thing as menial work… there’s only menial wages.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. I’m a graphic designer.
It’s tough times for people like me when the economy’s bad. Come to think of it, it’s been bad for most of us lately. As the economy steadily worsened and began its downhill slide, I began to have less and less work. Pretty soon I had almost no work, along with many of the people employed in my profession.
I decided I’d get on the list at a temporary agency… when I started my business 1. I did the first year. If I had work of my own, I’d do that. If I didn’t, I’d take temp work. I drive to one of the temporary service agencies to register.
Before you sign up as a temp, you have to take a test. They sit you in a little classroom and give you a multi- page examination. Some of this is fairly obvious… they need to be sure you can read and follow instructions. Partway through, however, the questions take on a tone that is decidedly strange, at least to me. They want to know ‘if I’ve ever stolen anything from an employer more expensive than a ball- point pen’ and ‘how much money is it acceptable to steal from an employer?’ Besides ‘none’, it lists varying amounts from one dollar to five hundred dollars.
Somehow I think if you really needed work, honesty might not be the best policy. I finish the test and fill out all the forms, which takes about 4. The lady at the desk doesn’t even check over my answers to see if I’ve done it properly, but stuffs it in a pile. She asks me, “Can you measure?” Designers work with measurements all day, so I tell her yes.
She gives me another test, a photocopy of a ruler. I have to circle various measurements, nothing more precise than one half to one- quarter inch. I give her the paper and again, it goes in the pile with nary a glance. We have an assignment that starts tomorrow”, she says. I’ll be working in a machine shop. OK”, I tell her, “I’ll take it.” She tells me where the job is and to be sure I have steel- toed shoes.
I do. She says the field supervisor will be around to check the safety environment. I report to the shop in the morning. It’s all I can do not to stare outright at the working conditions. There’s junk and trash everywhere, and more safety and code violations than I can count. Chunks of metal are strewn across the floor. Regardless of the no smoking law, most of the workers smoke on the job. The floor is littered with cigarette butts.
I’m told to spray paint some iron. The paint they use is highly carcinogenic, and the label is laden with warnings. I am not offered a respirator, although the foreman has one. I find a dust mask and wear that. There is no exhaust fan, so I open the door and set up a portable fan. I get yelled at for ‘heating the outdoors’. My co- workers and I glance at each other.
Except for the foreman and the manager, no one has been here more than four months, which is not a good sign. One of the metal saws runs on 2. An extension cord to power the thing snakes across the floor, which is highly illegal. The plug is cracked from being stepped on so many times. A makeshift repair job has been done to it by wrapping it with several layers of duct tape. I help a co- worker carry some metal and step on it accidentally. It’s live, and I feel the cracked parts grate under my shoe as they move around.
They have a storehouse in the back, connected to the workshop, where the metal extrusions are kept. It has one exit door, the fire exit. The forklift is parked there, sitting in a pool of oil, pressed tight against the door. The door is padlocked on the outside of the building. If there’s a fire, no escape will happen that way. I map out an exit strategy in my mind. We operate the crane to move the bundles of extrusions around.
One of my co- workers has a stack of metal fall on his leg. The foreman ignores it. Another of my coworkers was injured a few months ago with a bad cut to his hand.
The company paid him outright so he wouldn’t report it to workman’s comp. I ask if there’s ever been a union there. The shop foreman tells me: “The owner hates unions and he’d fire the lot of you if you tried that.” The atmosphere of indifference, animosity and danger here is tangible. I wonder how they can stay in business. I look up and stare. The shop foreman is running one of the huge metal cutting saws.
He’s wearing a pair of bedroom slippers. He may as well have been barefoot for all the protection those gave him. In the time I worked there, the field supervisor from the temp agency never showed up. They had their money, so I guess it wasn’t important. A temp agency brokers hours, not workers, and if they lose one, there’ll be two more to take his place, especially when times are tough.
When I write these articles, the focus is on people, not companies or businesses, so there’s a certain ethical consideration that keeps me from naming the places where I worked, but in this case, it’s a strain. My assignment ends with a call from the temporary agency. You want something else?” the lady asks. Call me if something turns up” I tell her. I’ve got some work in my studio… just not enough. A week goes by before she calls.
I have a job over in Geneva if you’re interested,” she says. What is it?” I ask. You’ll be shoveling grain into sacks all day” she tells me. It’s $7. 5. 0 an hour, you have to start tomorrow and they want a commitment.” (A commitment? Why is it called temporary work?
I think to myself.)“No, thanks”, I tell her. I’ll wait till something turns up in Canandaigua.” (Mental image of her rolling her eyes and asking herself “Jeez. What more does he want?”)Another week goes by before a call comes. Today is Friday, and the assignment starts on Monday at one of the biggest employers around here. I tell them I’ll do it. Monday comes… my first morning here. The supervisor tells me: “Watch out for the forklift drivers.
Most of ‘em are senile and don’t drive too good and they’ll run you over.” I’m not sure if he’s joking or not, so I take it seriously. I’m assigned to work with a guy who will train me. We introduce ourselves as he asks: “You do any fishing? I did a lot of ice fishing this weekend.” He launches into a detailed account of his exploits.
Enthusiasts of any sort are appealing, but like most hobbies, this one is full of mysterious Arcanum that’s incomprehensible to someone not in the know.